לזכרה של טליה
מדבריה של מרלין,
אמא של טליה, באזכרה השנתית השניה (2007) Something important I
learnt from Talia Once- a few years ago when
Talia was in her late teens- she and I were very late for Shaharit
in בית כנסת-
probably on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. I suggested we begin our davening at home in a much shortened version beginning with
the shema. Talia pointed out to me the shema shouldn’t be said alone but should begin with the
preceding paragraphs which accompany it. So, being in a hurry, I began with אהבת עולם. Since then אהבת עולם from Shaharit
has been Talia’s prayer for me. Nowadays I remember
her intensely when I read this paragraph. Because she taught me about this
prayer, I think it is appropriate to study it together this afternoon. אהבת עולם is a
supplication ((
תחינה that tells of G-d’s love and compassion ( רחמים) for us. We ask him to teach us to
understand his laws ((חוקים and his will ((רצון .בלבב שלם When a parent loses a child she or he searches to understand G-d’s
will, to make sense of this nonsensical situation. The prayer invokes the
memory of our ancestors( עולה את זיכרונות אבותינו, but I also invoke that of Talia who had
begun to find joy in Jewish practice only during the last year and a half of
her life. Like most young people, till then she kept rules as she had been told
to do but without real understanding. Her time at Midreshet
Nov, in the Golan, was her own choice, feeling as she did her social
lack of religious knowledge. I read in
the prayer עבור אבותינו שבטחו בך and
I silently add וטליה because she really had found faith. The prayer asks for mercy in
that we should understand, educate, hear, learn, teach, keep, do and carry out all
G-d’s words in love. Talia’s
days on earth were cruelly cut short so she was only able to do part of this.
Those of us left behind must heed the words of the prayer and pass on the joy
inherent in יהדות to the next generation –נגילה ונשמחה בישועתך In the prayer we ask for
blessing and peace throughout the world. Thought Talia and I differed
diametrically about achieving peace in our region, I was proud how she had
always craved peace between contemporaries and worked to that end. After her
death, we even had evidence of her continuing influence on peace between
individuals. The word אהבה is found throughout the prayer. This describes how
Talia felt about so many people, big and small. אהבת עולם is a
beautiful prayer, each word full of meaning, each word comprehensible on many
levels. When you next say it - think of Talia. |
תאריך עדכון אחרון:
August 13 2007